
From Uniting Amendment
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The Uniting Amendment keeps us out of unnecessary wars, keeps guns out of the hands of violent criminals, and strengthens our right to bear arms.

War and peace

We are currently in a state of continuous war. There is no longer civilian oversight of the military -- when a special interest wants the U.S. to use military force for their benefit, they simply claim that there are terrorists in the target country and the troops invade. No vote in Congress. No declaration of war. Even the wishes of the president have been disregarded. The Uniting Amendment brings the military back under civilian control by requiring a specific declaration of war prior to the use of military force. It also requires a national vote of approval each year to continue a war. If the country is attacked and there is not enough time for Congress to act, it specifies exactly how force may be used and for how long it may be continued. Congress must vote on such emergency use of force within a specific time period.

Individual self-defense

The Uniting Amendment keeps guns out of the hands of violent criminals while strengthening our right to bear arms. It eliminates the current background check system, which is error-prone and has allowed the sale of guns to violent criminals. Under the Uniting Amendment, those who have been adjudicated as committing a violent crime or threatening violence may have their rights limited (upon probable cause and with due process) and they are listed in a public list that indicates whether or not they may possess a firearm. Those who wish to sell a weapon can look for themselves to see if the person they are dealing with is prohibited from buying a gun. Also, since the list is public, crime victims and others can verify that specific criminals have been added to the list to help maintain the accuracy of the list. People who wish to publicly indicate that they oppose the ownership of guns may voluntarily add their names to the list. No background checks or any other process is required to buy a gun other than checking the list prior to the sale. Nobody else needs to know about the sale – because privacy is another right of self-defense that must be preserved.

The right to bear arms is clarified in the Uniting Amendment. An excerpt from Section 13 of the Amendment:

"The right of self-defense shall not be infringed; the right of the people to lawfully possess, use, transport, transfer, sell, buy, or otherwise own or control any weapon or defensive device for the purpose of the defense of their life, liberty, family, community and property from criminals, aggressors, usurpers or tyrants shall not be abridged, infringed, licensed, or regulated."
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