From Uniting Amendment
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A Constitutional Amendment that

Recognizes LGBT Rights

The Uniting Amendment is a comprehensive Amendment

to the Constitution of the United States that

recognizes the rights

of those in the LGBT community.

It prohibits discrimination:

"...on account of: physical or mental illness; genetic composition; sex; gender identity or lack of gender; sexual orientation; mental, social, or physical ability; unintentional physical appearance; national origin; race or ethnicity; biological status or lack of biology; age; veteran status; religion, belief or opinion; social status; familial status; wealthiness or impoverishment; or any other condition or status not under one's control."

The Amendment is currently in the process of being written by

the people of the United States, right on this website.

It includes many other provisions to

reestablish a government that is more fair, more free,

and has the integrity and compassion to move America forward.

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