What is the Uniting Amendment?

From Uniting Amendment
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The Uniting Amendment is an comprehensive amendment to the U.S. Constitution currently being written by ordinary people. Using the collaborative tools of the Internet, people are writing their own future and shoring up a foundation to rebuild our country. But can ordinary people draft a constitutional amendment? Shouldn't it be done by... "them"; the politicians who are smarter than everyone else?[1]

Our current crop of representatives has the lowest approval rating in history, and it's well-deserved. A combination of gerrymandered districts, government-controlled media, low citizen participation, and a general erosion of values has produced the most corrupt, insular, and incompetent menagerie that Washington has ever seen. Those are not the folks we want to pour the new foundation for our 21th Century Reconstruction.

We can write our own laws and we're drafting an amendment that will reestablish a government that is more fair, more free, and has the integrity and compassion needed to carry us forward. With input from just a few hundred people, we've already developed many fresh, innovative ideas that solve long-entrenched, difficult problems, including:

  • Establishes a simple tax system with an extremely low rate and no exemptions and which provides more than enough revenue
  • Ends poverty with a single, simply fund that provides basic assistance for everyone in need at less cost than what we pay now
  • Strengthens the Second Amendment while keeping guns out of the hands of violent criminals
  • Prevents discrimination with equal protection for all groups and individuals
  • Solves the immigration issue: those who wish to become Citizens are elected by the people
  • Creates a Citizens' Jury as a check on the Supreme Court to protect our rights and freedom
  • Defines a set of responsibilities and duties for all people
  • Recognizes the right to privacy and ends illegal government intrusions
  • Plus anti-corruption provisions, protection for the environment and threatened species, term limits, a balanced budget, limits on Congressional power, and much more.

All this while increasing our liberty and ensuring fairness in society. But the document is far from complete.

If you care about the future of our country, don't just sit there reading – join us. Contribute your ideas on how we can make the country better, fairer, freer.

  1. Sarcasm - Politicians are not actually smarter than everyone else.
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