New revision of the Uniting Amendment released today, 2014-09-17
New revision of the Uniting Amendment released today
September 17, 2014
Orford, New Hampshire, September 17, 2014 – The Uniting Amendment has a new revision today, released to coincide with the 227th anniversary of the adoption of our nation's Constitution. The revision includes several changes to the amendment which is currently being developed by the people of the United States at
The Uniting Amendment is the comprehensive amendment to the Constitution of the United States that covers nearly all of the issues:
Citizenship and immigration
Civil rights
The Budget and taxes
Responsibilities and duties
The Supreme Court
Basic assistance
The Census List
The Environment
The right to teach and learn
Right of self-defense
Right to control your own body
Property rights and commerce
Privacy and Security
Right to religious expression
Due process
and much more...
The amendment is based on our country's common values of Liberty and Justice, with the goal of increasing Integrity and Compassion. Although the amendment covers many issues, it leaves intact the form and structure of our government: a democratic republic with the same three branches of government.
As part of a larger effort to rebuild the country, the amendment intends to reestablish a government that is more fair, more free, and has the integrity and compassion needed to move the country forward. The project has already developed many fresh, innovative ideas that solve long-entrenched, difficult problems.
The Uniting Amendment project is being facilitated by Egalib, Inc., a publishing company located in Orford, New Hampshire.
To schedule an interview or for other inquiries:
phone: 603-360-1000
mail: PO Box 71, Orford, New Hampshire 03777
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