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L/A Constitutional Amendment that Eliminates Arbitrary RegulationL/A Constitutional Amendment that Ends Poverty
L/A Constitutional Amendment that Establishes One Simple TaxL/A Constitutional Amendment that Mandates a Balanced BudgetL/A Constitutional Amendment that Preserves the Second One
L/A Constitutional Amendment that Protects Civil LibertiesL/A Constitutional Amendment that Protects Privacy
L/A Constitutional Amendment that Protects the Right to Teach and Learn
L/A Constitutional Amendment that Recognizes LGBT RightsL/A Constitutional Amendment that Restores IntegrityL/A Constitutional Amendment that Solves the Flash Trading Problem
L/A Constitutional Amendment that Strengthens the Second OneL/A Constitutional Amendment that Values Justice
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NH Liberty Forum 2015, 2015-03-03New revision of the Uniting Amendment released today, 2014-09-17
New revision of the Uniting Amendment released today, 2015-10-21New revision of the Uniting Amendment released today, 2016-9-29News releases
Our dormant Constitution
Privacy and security
Property rights and free commerceRepresentationResponsibilities and duties
Study finds that a dormant constitution causes political instability, 2014-11-18SuffrageSupreme Court
Thank you for your comment
The Census ListThe Constitution of the United States of AmericaThe Environment
The Uniting Amendment releases a report on the causes of our nation's failure, 2014-10-30
The right to control your own bodyThe right to learn and teachThe right to religious expression
The security of privacyU.S. state abbreviations
Uniting Amendment
What is the Uniting Amendment?Why it's time to amend the ConstitutionWhy ordinary citizens must protect our civil liberties
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